Wednesday, July 22, 2009

...for when you have $1 left to your name.

Prosperity Dumpling
46 Eldridge Street (Between Canal and Hester)

In this time of high unemployment, shrinking 401Ks and Wall Street Ponzi schemes, there's a good chance you'll wake up tomorrow broke. But just because you're out of money doesn't mean you're out of luck. All you have to do is take a long and lonely walk down to Chinatown.

Prosperity Dumpling is a tiny hole in the wall that's easy to miss, but the fried chive and pork dumplings are hard to forget. Quickly fried and placed into a styrofoam box, you get 5 perfect pieces of dumpling heaven for the bargain price of $1.00. That's a better deal than any fast food "Dollar Menu" out there. For big spenders, add a slice of delicious sesame bread for another 75 cents.

Tip: When you're in this part of Chinatown, it's like a foreign country and people who live there have no patience for visitors. So don't be surprised if locals cut in front of you in line. Just let it go - They'll be quick, and the dumplings are worth it.


1 comment:

  1. Justin7:37 AM

    Also known as Soylent Dumpling?


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