Sunday, August 16, 2009

...for a late night drink with that cute coworker.

The Campbell Apartment
Grand Central Station (Southwest Corner)

It's late and you've been pretending to work on a "big project" when really you've been surfing the net waiting for 9:30 to roll around so you can walk by the only cubicle still lit up, where the that smoking-hot workaholic sits, and you can say "Come on, let's take a break and grab a drink. We deserve it."

Well, now that you've worked up the courage to ask them out, now you need the perfect place to go. You could go to the Irish pub across the street - but if you want to make an impression, you need to take them somewhere memorable, somewhere that'll be "your place." And who knew the perfect place would just be a few blocks away in Grand Central Station? The Campbell Apartment is an elegant and intimate bar that's the best spot in midtown to get someone to relax, stop talking about work, and start to open up. You can both order your favorite drinks, sit at the beautiful bar, and maybe after a few, move to the comfortable couches at the far walls. Just try to hold back smiling when other coworkers hear about it and ask if it was a date, and you say "A date? Come on. Grow up."

Tip: The bar requires proper attire (No hats, t-shirts or sneakers) and wait until 8pm, after the huge crowd of commuters leave to come by.

Fun Fact: The Campbell Apartment was never an actual apartment, but a private office of tycoon John Campbell. After falling into disrepair, the room served many different purposes, including a jail.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you didn't mention their popcorn, young man. See if I ever take you back there. P.S. Your review is dead on. I was first brought here by a... coworker.


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